Data Protection Day, January 28

In 2006, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe decided to launch a Data Protection Day, to be celebrated each year on 28 January. Data Protection Day is now celebrated globally and is called the “Privacy Day” outside Europe. Data … Read More

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Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Natural referencing! and sponsored links Goals Increase awareness Develop site traffic Increase visibility on search engines Use a new communication and prospecting channel The concept Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is one of the major levers for creating traffic on the … Read More

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Backbone networks for pan-European cloud federation – Call for proposals (CEF-DIG-2021-CLOUD)

End users’ tight budgetary constraints, the growing awareness of cloud impact on climate change, the relatively low cloud uptake among both the public and private sectors (18%)3, and the need to enable the free flow of data across the EU … Read More

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Short online advertising history

Simply put, online advertising is advertising on the Internet. Online advertising encompasses advertisements on search engine results pages, advertisements placed in e-mails, and other ways in which advertisers use the Internet. However, this chapter focuses on display advertising or rich-media … Read More

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Internet Marketing, SEO & Advertising

Internet Marketing, SEO & AdvertisingA guide for online marketers, advertisers and publishers, to increase the digital marketing and optimize their costs and benefits.
Internet marketing, also known as digital marketing, web marketing, online marketing, search marketing or e-marketing, is the marketing (generally promotion) of products or services over the Internet. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of methods aimed at improving the ranking of a website in search engine listings.
Generally speaking, advertising is the promotion of goods, services, companies and ideas, usually by an identified sponsor. Marketers see advertising as part of an overall promotional strategy.
Other components of the promotional mix include publicity, public relations, personal selling and SHOP SHOP SALE s promotion.
Online advertising is advertising on the Internet. This particular form of advertising is a source of revenue for an increasing number of websites and companies.


– History
– Media
– Impact
– Public service advertising
– Flyposting
– Social impact
– – Regulation
– – Critiques of the medium
– – Public perception of the medium
– – Effects on communication media
– Future
– Advertising agencies
– – Agency personnel
>Online advertising
– Overview of the market
– Payment conventions
– Rich Media advertising
– Email advertising
– Affiliate marketing
– Contextual advertising
– Domain parking
– Type-in traffic
– Advertising network
– Classified ad
– Ad serving
– – Central ad server
– – Ad Server Functionality
– – Pop-up ad
– – – Background
– – – Non-browser pop-up ads
– – Popup generators
– – – Background
– – – Are Popup Ads Annoying?
– – – Recent works
– – Hover Ads
– – – Background
– – – Technology
– Web banner
– – History
– – Standard sizes
– – Types of web banners
– – – Message Plus Unit (MPU)
– Ad filtering
– – Browser integration
– – External programs
– – Common advertising techniques
– – Pop-up blocking
– – – Problems with pop-up blockers and non-advertising ‘pop-ups’
– – – Circumventing pop-up blockers
– Payment
– – Cost Per Impression
– – – Cost Per Mille
– – Cost Per Thousand
– – – Effective Cost Per Mille
– – Cost Per Action
– – – Effective Cost Per Action
– – Cost Per Click
– – Pay per click
– – – Categories
– – – – Keyword PPCs
– – – – Product PPCs
– – – – Service PPCs
– – – – Pay per Call
– – Click-through rate
– Click fraud
– – Pay per click advertising
– – Non-contracting parties
– – Organization
– – Litigation
– – Solutions
– Solutions to the spam problem
– Spamming in different media
– – E-mail spam
– – Messaging spam
– – Newsgroup spam and Forum spam
– – Mobile phone spam
– – Internet telephony spam
– – Online game messaging spam
– – Spam targeting search engines (Spamdexing)
– – – Blog, wiki, guestbook, and referrer spam
– Commercial uses
– – Comparison to postal “junk” mail
– Spamdexing
– – Content spam
– – Link spam
– – Other types of spamdexing
– Cloaking
– Page hijacking
– Doorway page
– Scraper site
– Spam blogs
– – History
– – Problems
– – Benefits
– – RSS abuse
– – Defense
– Spam in blogs
– – History
– – Possible solutions
– – – rel=nofollow
– – – Turing tests
– – – Server-side redirects
– – – Client-side redirects
– – – Distributed Approaches
– – – Application-specific anti-spam methods
– – – – RSS feed monitoring
– Sping
– Spam mass
– – Thresholds
– Made For AdSense
– Bookmark spam
– Referer spam
– – Technical solutions
– Noncommercial spam
– – DoS spam
– – History
– – – Alternate meanings
– – Costs of spam
– – Political issues
– – Court cases
– Stopping e-mail abuse
– – Protection against spam
– – – Spam filters
– – – Preventing Address Harvesting
– – – – Address munging
– – – – Contact Forms
– – – Disposable e-mail addresses
– – – Defeating Web bugs and JavaScript
– – – Avoiding responding to spam
– – – Reporting spam
– – – Defense against email worms
– – Examination of anti-spam methods
– – – DNSBLs
– – – Content-based filtering
– – – Statistical filtering
– – – Checksum-based filtering
– – – Authentication and Reputation (A&R)
– – – Sender-supported whitelists and tags
– – – Ham passwords
– – – Cost-based systems
– – – – Stamps
– – – – Hashcash
– – – – Bonds
– – – – Issues
– – – Heuristic filtering
– – – Tarpits and Honeypots
– – Challenge/response systems
– e-Mail spam
– – Overview
– – Legality
– – Avoiding spam
– – – Avoiding sending spam
– – – – Cost-based methods
– – – – Confirmed opt-in
– – – – Highest Amount of Spam Received
– – How spammers operate
– – – Gathering of addresses
– – – Delivering spam messages
– – – – Using Webmail services
– – – – Using other people’s computers
– – – – – Open relays
– – – – – Open proxies
– – – – – Spammer viruses
– – – Obfuscating message content
– – – Spam-support services
– – Related vocabulary
– Spam bait
– Word salad
– – In spam e-mail
– – – Sentence and paragraph salad
– – – Letter salad
– – – Future
– – – Recommendations
– Spamvertising
– – History of DNSBLs
– – DNSBL Operation
– – – DNSBL Queries
– – – DNSBL Policies
– – Terminology
– – Criticisms
– The Abusive Hosts Blocking List
– – DNSbl and RHSbl Lists
– – Controversy
– – AHBL In Court
– – – Richard Scoville/FreeSpeechStore vs. AHBL/SOSDG/Bruns/Kirch
– Open mail relay
– – History and technology
– – Abuse by spammers
– – Anti-spam efforts against open relays
– – Modern-day proponents
– Messaging spam
– – Instant-messaging applications
– – – Using privacy options to guard against messaging spam
– – – Using AIM ‘warn’ feature
– – Windows messaging spam
– Mobile phone spam
– Newsgroup spam
– Spit (VoIP spam)
– – Spyware
– – History and development
– – Ads and malware
– – Spyware, “adware”, and tracking
– – Routes of infection
– Effects and behaviors
– – Advertisements
– – “Stealware” and affiliate fraud
– – Identity theft and fraud
– – Digital rights management
– – Spyware and cookies
– – User consent and legality
– – Remedies and prevention
– – – Virtual Machines
– – – Security practices
– Adware
– – Application
– – Controversy
Online marketing
– Purpose of Online Marketing
– Online Marketing Activities
– Internet marketing
– – Definition and Scope
– – History
– – Business Models and Formats
– – Benefits
– – Limitations
– – Security Concerns
– – Effects on Industries
– e-Marketing
– Promotion
– – Example
– – Example 2: Veranda Park
– Branding
– – Concepts
– – History
– Publicity
– – Publicists
– – Effectiveness of Publicity
– Search engine marketing
– – Methods
– – – Search engine optimization
– – – Search engine advertising
– – – Paid inclusion
– – Ethical considerations
– Web traffic
– – Measuring web traffic
– – Controlling web traffic
– – – Limiting access
– – – Increasing web traffic
– – – – Organic traffic
– – – – Paid advertising
– – Traffic overload
– – – Denial of service attacks
– – – Sudden popularity
– Affiliate marketing
– – Early days
– – Adware
– – The new Web
– Affiliate
– – Broadcast networks
– – Electronic commerce
– – Corporate structure
– – Affiliate networks
– – – Use of affiliate links
– AdSense
– – AdSense for feeds
– – AdSense for search
– – Abuse of Google AdSense
– – How AdSense works
– e-Mail marketing
– – The Good
– – The Bad
– – E-mail marketing terms
– – Opt-in e-mail advertising
– – – Email Marketing Services and CAN-SPAM Compliance
– Permission marketing
– Telemarketing
– – Early History
– – Categories
– – Negative Perceptions
– – Do Not Call Listings
– – Avoiding Telemarketing Calls
Search engine optimization
– History
– – Early search engines
– – Organic search engines
– The relationship between SEO and the search engines
– Getting into search engines’ listings
– White hat methods
– Black hat methods
– – Legal issues
– High quality web sites typically rank well
– Relevance
– – Algorithms for relevance
– – Clustering and relevance
– Keyword density
– Keyword stuffing
– Link campaign
– Link exchange
– Reciprocal link
– Link farm
– – History
– – Justification
– – Guidelines
– Link popularity
– Anchor text
– Site map
– – Google Sitemaps
– Search engine results page
– – Organic search
– P4P
– Paid inclusion
– Google consultant
– Google bomb
– – Background
– – Googlebombing competitions
– – Google’s response
– – Googlebombing in general
– – Googlebombing as Political Activism
– – Commercial googlebombing
– – The Quixtar Google bombing example
– – Search engine bombing before Google
– – Accomplished Googlebombs
– – Justice bomb
– – Google juice
– – Googleating
– – Googlebait
– SEO contest
– – History
– – The basics
– – The differences

Internet Marketing, SEO & Advertising (PDF)