Short WordPress Guide for Beginners

Short WordPress Guide for BeginnersWordPress is a publishing software whose main qualities are simplicity, speed and ease of use. WordPress is favored by an active community, real core of free software.

WordPress is a powerful personal publishing platform with many features designed to make publishing your Internet experience as simple, pleasant and enjoyable as possible. It offers a freely distributable publishing platform, standards compliant, fast, light and free with parameters and features and a thoughtful extraordinarily adaptable core.WordPress is a blogging software that has all the usual features of this type of software. It allows multiple authors to publish posts, which are ordered by date and by category. Multiple categories can be assigned to a given post.
WordPress is popular mainly with users around free software and with knowledge of software programming. The public interface is customizable through templates files, and plugins can be developed. The WordPress community is very active and has a growing number of resources such as ready-made themes, documentation and translation software.


About WordPress
– WordPress features
– – WordPress themes
– License and Technical Environment
– WordPress Features
– – Technical License and Environment
– – Managing and administering the weblog
WordPress installation
– Before installing WordPress…
– – Do you have the necessary tools?
– How to start working
– – Read
– – Make a plan
– – Install WordPress
– – Hosting
– Web hosting
– New or existing database
– Installing WordPress
– – What to know before you start
– – Installation in 5 minutes
– – Detailed instructions
– Install WordPress Themes
– – A WordPress theme, what is it?
– – Free or paid WordPress theme?
– – Installing a free WordPress theme
– – – Search criteria
– – – Theme Preview
– – – Installation
– – Install a paid WordPress theme
– – – Install by the administration interface
– – – Install using FTP
– – – Activate the theme
– Install the favicon
– – How to create a favicon
– – Install the favicon on a WordPress blog
– Updating WordPress
– – Check prerequisites system
– – Make a backup
– – Disable extensions
– – Ready to make the update!
– – Automatic update
– – Manual update
– – – Replace WordPress files
– – – Install your update
– – – Take a break!
– – Final phase
– – Troubleshooting
– Moving WordPress to a new location
– – Save your data
– – – Recovering the WordPress files
– – – Collect WordPress data
– – Transferring data
– – Small adjustments
– – – Changed database
– – – Domain not changed
– – – Changed domain
Working with WordPress
– Getting Started with WordPress
– – What next?
– WordPress content
– – Posts
– – Pages
– Working with WordPress
– – Publish your posts
– – Archives and Research
– – Discussion and comments
– – Creating and Managing a Blogroll
– – Publish your work
– – Customizable design
– Screen Options
– – Excerpt
– – Send Trackbacks
– – Custom Fields
– – Slug
– – Discussion
– – Comments
– – Author
– Installing Plugins
– – Information to know before installing
– Post formats
– Use of custom fields
– – Use
About the author
– Nicolae Sfetcu
– By the same author
– Contact
Publishing House
– MultiMedia Publishing

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